Harmonize your body and mind for lasting wellness
Acupuncture is a traditional form of medicine from China that encourages the body to promote natural healing and to improve function. This is done by inserting very fine, disposable needles into specific points along the body and possibly adding heat or electrical stimulation to the needle.
Chinese Medicine is often used in conjunction with acupuncture. Chinese herbs are sourced from plants, animals and minerals, and are used to treat a wide variety of illnesses or painful conditions. These herbs can help the body’s systems heal and work more efficiently.
Practitioners may also use tuina, cupping, moxibustion, gua sha, or nutrition and lifestyle coaching. Tuina (pronounced “twee na”) is a Chinese massage that breaks up adhesions between muscles that result from traumatic or chronic injuries. It includes the use of pressure on acupuncture points and along their channels, and assisted movement to restore normal joint motion. Moxibustion is a traditional heat therapy used to increase blood flow, improve immune function or deliver deep relaxation. Gua sha is a technique to promote normal circulation and to relieve pain, stiffness, cough, fevers and other complaints.