By its very existence, Apex Wellness Center contributes to the social fabric of the Foster-Powell neighborhood by providing high-quality wellness services. Owner Rebecca Schacker calls Foster-Powell her home and through Apex she’s become an active member of her community.
Apex participates in the Foster Powell-Neighborhood Association (FPNA) and Foster Area Business Association (FABA), and the FABA events Fun on Foster and monthly summer Cruise-Ins at the Junior Achievement building. Apex also has a massage booth at the FPNA-sponsored National Night Out. All of these events were created to promote the betterment of the Foster-Powell neighborhood.
Promoting a healthier, greener future for the Foster-Powell neighborhood is important to the staff at the Apex Wellness Center. That’s why Apex participates in and helps organize the FPNA-sponsored Garden Tour, which allows Apex to show off its rain gardens and explain how they aid in water management. Apex has also held a Foster Green Initiative meeting to gather community input on the development of the Foster Corridor. Apex also purchases coupon and ad space in the Chinook Book, a coupon book that features local environmentally minded businesses. All proceeds from the sale of the Chinook Book at Apex go to the FPNA.

Garden Tour info table
Apex supports local artists by displaying their work on the walls of the wellness center. Our next installment will be photos by Jared Holmgren Photography of children with Down syndrome and their families.
Want to see your art on the walls of the Apex wellness center? Do you have a neighborhood project that you think Apex might like to participate in? Contact Rebecca at