There is an appointment cancellation fee for each no-show and appointment cancellation with less than 24 hours notice:
Chiropractic, Counseling, Acupuncture and Massage: $75 per missed appointment. Fees will be collected in full prior to your next appointment with us.
Late Arrivals: Please be advised that we do our best to accommodate for extenuating circumstances. However, arriving late for your appointment can disrupt your practitioner’s schedule of subsequent appointments. If you arrive late for your appointment, you will still be charged in full and may have less time for your appointment. Patients arriving considerably late, (ie. 10 minutes or more for a chiropractic appointment, 15 minutes or more for a massage, counseling or acupuncture appointment) may have their appointment canceled and will need to reschedule. In this case, a cancellation fee may apply.
Cost of Goods and Services: Patients are financially responsible for the cost of supplements, herbal products, supplies and equipment to be paid at the time of pick up. Special orders must be paid at the time the order is placed. We accept the following forms of payment: cash, check, health savings and reimbursement account cards, debit and credit cards, with the exception of American Express. For your convenience, debit and credit card payments can also be processed over the phone. It is our policy to not accept out of state checks. Please note, there is a $30 fee for returned checks.